If Trees Could See
If Trees could see
If trees could see what’s happening what would the tree have thought
The tree that held my Master there as the soldiers cast their lots
That standing post fixed in the ground with blood stained on the side
The blood that saved humanity from their sin and from their crime
What would go through its mind as it was taken from where it stood
Cut into a crucifix to hang a Man who worked with wood
What would he be thinking as he was carried through the street
Bearing weight upon the back of the God who was so meek
What would the tree be thinking as he was planted in the ground
The vines he knew from years ago twisted into a thorny crown
How would he feel to hold the weight of all mankind on earth
To offer the greatest sacrifice God could ever find to give rebirth
What would the tree be thinking as the nails pierced it’s grain
As the Holy Lamb of God lay upon the alter slain
As blood which saved all people, the perfect blood of God
Dripped across his surface made, as God showed His staff and rod
As time hung still that moment and all the earth quaked
What would that tree be thinking as he saw redemption for man’s mistake
What would go through his mind as the skies darkened over head
As He cried ‘It is finished’ and He lay there hanging dead
What would the tree be thinking in that perfect day of wrath
As the blood poured forth giving his bark a holy bath
What would he be thinking as he witnessed Christ condemned
As he saw all our wicked sins fall upon this Man
What would he be thinking as the Father left the Son
As he stood there planted in the ground without a way to run
What would go through his mind as he held the Son of Man
As he offered up the sacrifice, the perfect spotless lamb
How could he comprehend
How could he understand
The greatness of this moment, the greatness of this Man
Would he realize who this was, would he realize just how great
Would he bow himself in awe, or would he make man’s same mistake
Would he stand in solemn gratitude, or would he refuse to hold Christ there
Would he cry with sap dripping down his bark, and silently stare
Would he pray to God to save His son, or would he recognize his need
Would he recognize the preciousness of every drop our Lord would bleed
Would he hold Christ close and comfort Him, or in reverence stay far back
Would he try to give Him more support, as He hung there on His back
Would he know what this moment was, or in ignorance be blind
Would he know this was Jesus Christ, the Lord of all mankind
If trees could see what’s happening I’m sure the tree would know
I’m sure the tree would understand and witness in sorrow
Perhaps one day we’ll meet the tree and ask him what he felt
As he held the perfect spotless lamb who took away our guilt