Giving Part 2
A second thought
In case you were lost
It’s important to the Lord
Not an ancient fossil
The gospel proclaims
Good news in His name
Of the 38 parables are about earthly treasure
And measure more content than heaven and hell
Heaven and hell have less references than wealth
No stealth
Or subtle in text
Don’t fumble or vex
Your paychecks
April 15th tax
No lackadaisical giving
Lazy ass living
Don’t fret
And Edify
And Testify
2 Corinthians 9
Thessalonica didn’t decline the call to serve
Giving bountifully life by the Word
Paul sent 3 men
To spur on
And Encourage to give a lot
Faithfulness in giving don’t stop
It’s a God giving ministry
Hoarding is sin you see
Money superfluous
Money a dark abyss
Money is stewardship from Him who adopted us
Macedonian poverty
The churches just kept giving
More stuff
But more stuff
Means more fluff
And Distractions
Selfish actions
And factions
In marriage and church
Money’s not worth but a tool
A fool in his foolishness
Not giving is foolishness
Like a grim reaper
Dig deeper and reap
What you sow and keep
The dough
Sow sparingly and reap the same
Give in abundance not for fame or appearance
But glorifying God for fear is
A convicter Annas and Saphirra
But it’s still not compulsory
Give in joy abundantly
It’s a thing from the heart
Beginning to start
Recipients of Gods special love
Give to God above
No uhaul
For you to haul
Your belongings and move all
Earthly things upwards
So trust the Lord
Give to God with Trust
A must
Do you still trust
That God is sufficient enough
To give what you need and supply
Give to you all things till you die
Sara laughed in disbelief like Nabel
But God is able and supreme
Sufficient to redeem and provide
Rollercoaster ride
Ample provision
God giving precision
In timing and mission
Wait and rest
Your life is a mess
But confess
The distress
And stress
For God is perfect in power
He wrote every hour
And sin He devoured
As it cowered and bowed down
And at the right hand He was crowned
And you doubt His sufficiency supply
You give and He'll multiply
Give and He'll out give you
Give and produce
Thankfulness and truth
Serving by giving gifts
Prevents church rifts
It approves the Lords work
Not that you deserve it
But God preserve it by producing fruit
Duke the sin
Nuke the fridge
The root is to give
Zacheaus was wee
Climbed a tree
To see
But giving produced in me
Is the same as he
The heart made new and transformed
And Reborn
Not forlorn
Eyes focused One direction like a Unicorn
Harry styles and Miles
Don’t remind us the malice of sin
Don’t be calus but win
Through giving to the Lord
In one body one accord
Enhanced fellowship; Sing
Fellowship of the King
Our Gods not stingy
Or cringy
But gracious
And spacious and poured out
Salaciously whored out
Indescribably gored out
For us so don’t doubt
And fall on your knees weep and pout
In tears of joy and love at the gift given
Christ risen