Hebrew 6 part 2
God centered, all your blessings come from God
Comfort and affliction, get ready for the staff and rod
Only one point, and we get three subpoints
Why give the promise? Why mention it?
Why go through Abraham, why fulfill it?
Point One To show the nature of His purpose
Ultimately Him we gotta worship
Point two To strongly encourage believers
New birth, like sarah had hers
Point Three To securely anchor
His promises secure
Gods promise given to abraham
The origin of the Christian Fam
Him we gotta imitate
Starter of the israel state
He will be a great nation
No children? That will soon be changin
99 when its fulfilled
Because God always has His will
By our nature we are all liars
Thats why we oath, to avoid conflicting fires
We swear by something greater
To our own wills we dont cater
We confirm its accuracy
Dont break and then seek mercy
God is always true
He had no reason that to prove
Why then did He swear
Give an oath to make it fair
He had no one greater by whom to swear by
Even though we know God never lies
He swore by Himself
To show the nature of the wealth
Of his purpose and its nature
Its not changing theres no wager
Through the seed of that was planted
In the promise to Abraham granted
We now can all be heirs
In Christ our dept repaired
His will it is unchanging
Never rearranging
His purpose is immutable
His judgements irrefutable
He will never change His mind
Holy of a different kind
His promise is steadfast
His ways will never pass
Unlike the world thats always different
Amidst the storm of change christ was sent
In the midst of all the worldly chaos
Our rock will never move off
Be convinced his promise it is sure
His blessings are in store
God is most glorified
when we are most satisfied
in Him, we are all sanctified
Promises never nullified
2 things His promise and His oath
Neither are unchangeable, both
He can do all things but He cannot lie
Hows it possible? If He's God then why?
Cities of refuge for unintentional crimes
Like that we seek refuge in Christ
We are in exile like Israel we need refuge
Lost and sinners in Christ we need rescue
Arent u glad and encouraged that He's true to His Word
He wont drop His promises and change what you heard
The comfort we have is He will bring it to Completion
It defies all logic and reason
For a believer this is comfort and our tall tower
But to the unsaved there’s the fear of judgements hour
We've got a hope
Thats how we coupe
Pulled out of the pit by a rope
So if ur a believer please dont mope
This is our secure anchor
You wont be eaton by a rancor
There’s no fear of drifting off
If you've been saved you are not lost
Christ is the object of our hope of glory
Theres no fear, no need for worry
No placebo there is Christ or nothing
It you dont have Him then life your missing
This anchor is not ordinary
It doesnt sink it flies just like a fairy
Interceding in the Holy place
For Jew and Gentile, every race
Its not attached to any thing temporal
Not a reef, a dock, or even coral
Instead its attached to God on high
And in Him believers never die