Hebrews 6
In so much as I do see
No fruit in u? Apostasy
Dont turn away dont u forsake
Jesus Christ and be a fake
A hypocrite that lives amongst
The bride of Christ and dines with us
Be afraid my friends for any one
Who was with us and now is gone
Dont question the new covenant
Be humble and reverent
Fear God and dont turn away
Dont say ur christian and then be gay
Apostasy vs perseverance
Agriculture makes it clearest
Believers sin and thats no lie
They lie and cheat and drink and die
Believers fall and then repent
They come right back to Him who sent
Apostates bear fake man made fruit
Plastic crap thats got no root
They pridefully rock heresy
White washed walls, a pharisee
Your and we
And You and our
You and me are promised more
Set against a black backdrop
The differences will never stop
Persevere and you are saved
God loves you tho you misbehaved
We persevere cuz he first loved us
Through his love weve obediance
We my friends arent overlooked
God notices, we werent forsook
He delights in us and all our works
Weve good deeds in Him as perks
All our works aren’t dirty rags
Dont be gloom and dont be sad
through Christ they’re acceptable
Holy and commendable
Our love might fail in many ways
But his love for us directs us to stay
We serve and do good to everyone
Perseverance is how we run
Especially those within the church
We must serve, they have worth
Enter a church weve got on masks
Oxygen breathing, serving with tasks
Diligent in hope
This is how we cope
Let ur zeal not lack nor ur insurance
Have some vigor have some fervence
All the way until the end
He’ll carry us and we wont bend
Dont be dull or hard of hearing
Dont be slothful or lack God fearing
Pilgrams progress, he meets sloth
He’ll come pray to Gods wrath
Be on watch and be on guard
Against the enemy who attacks hard
Follow Godly examples we see
Follow people not prideful like me
Look around who do you know?
Who Gods example they constantly show?
Dont be a queer
We continue cuz he did too
Walk the narrow the way of the few
His promises they are sure
Steadfast and faithful he is pure
When we fail He is faithful
But to the apostates He is hateful
Cling to Christ our joy hope and fate
Dont go to hell with the apostates