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Hebrews 8 part 2

Hebrews 8, Highview Bible Church

Picture or stacey which would I choose

If I say a picture then stacy I lose

The promise of stacy is so much better

If I want her then I better get her

But now

Sit down

He is much more

Greater things in store

Hes greater than all of these

He obtains all our praise

Perfect tense

No pretense

Completed in the past Ongoing to today

On this topic we are gona stay

A more excellent ministry

More of this we wana see

Year after year covered sins with a sacrifice

Now the Lamb is dead just once, never need to kill it twice

Covenant serious and solemn

Sacrifice to make it real place it near the column

Walk into death between the dead

Do the promise just like I said

Unconditional between the two

Greeks are now added with the new

Moses mediates between God and Israel

All the animals die until they are full

Basins and the alter

God He never falters

Threw the blood on the people

Points to God like the steeple

If-then was the covenant

This promise it was reverent

A land, descendants, and a blessing

God fulfills nothing is missing

Gods covenant was binding

Unfulfilled u wont be finding

First was faulty and flawed

But the new is greater

A new empire starting

Just call me Darth Vader

A picture has a limitation

Gods plan there’s no evasion

He finds fault with the house of Judah

He is God not Baal or Buddha

The law points to Jesus

The world just wants to please us

Hand in hand with their creator

Hand in hand walking with maker

They opted for Gods judgement

Hearts of stone the world they wanted

Perfect for people easy for defiance

Power not provided for the laws easy compliance

Chosen for His treasure

Given for His pleasure

All the earth is His we’re a kingdom of Priests

When we have a new heart our minds evil will cease

Chosen and elect

Those whom God selects

Abrahams heirs descendants of the king

A spring of new life, go and call me


That they will walk no longer lame

Israel and church, now its same same

New life and new spirit no longer a robot

Terminators Gone jesus will be back

Jesus overcame and sits at Gods right hand

Now we have a transplant call me Chris Bohan

Regeneration for an intimate relation

New life new mind new heart palpitation

Hearts were stone now waters coming out its flesh

No fare well well fare cuz he cares Jesus is the prince now we’re fresh

Sins are gone never brought back to haunt

For us and our hearts his blood bought

No access with sin

With Jesus we win

First is obsolete

Jesus bent down to wash feet

The old disappearing

New life dont be fearing

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