1 Peter 2:11-12
I urge u as aliens and strangers
Pilgrims here in dangers
Abstain from fleshly lusts
Which wage war against the soul
Abstain from the world
Dont even touch evil
Pivotal moment
War of independence
Seeking their repentance
Hessians mercenaries
Fighting ruthless scary
Raul hated the Americans
Weak cowards they were scarin
Trenton 1776
Dead of winter American lose was fixed
Raul was so confident he never read the letters
Gambling drinking hessian betters
The americans overcame
And he lost his hessian reign
The greatest danger of warfare is the underestimation
Spiritual life is warefare dont underrate like the hessians
Your greatest enemy is you
Not a greek and not a jew
Our sin
It lies within
Killing us we cannot win
Its coming from inside
Try to run and try to hide
Sin is anything that keeps from being perfect
To be Holy before God we cant work it
War against the flesh
Fear suffering and death
How do we battle ourself?
Anything done thought spoken or imagined
not in conformity to the word and its passion
Is listed as a sin
Both Commission
And Omission
And Ignorant sin
Sin is anything not perfect
Its not the result of anything aside from ourself
It come from the devil
Its us that is evil
You cant do anything to mess up your kids up
They’re already screwed up
Chin up buttercup
We humanize God And We defy ourselves
The sin that we keep sinning is bringing us to hell
3 rationals for fighting against sin
3 sound reasons to fight evil and win
1 christian citizenship demands the fight
Gives us the right
To take the night
Turn it to light
And do whats right
Good theology doesnt mean its sunk into your soul
A knowledge of God doesnt mean he pulled us from the hole
Does a spiritual truth trigger a reflex to act in obedience to the Lord
We are foreigners on this planet traveling back to our abode
Dont be comfortable in the world
Does sin make you wana hurl
Are you saved? Do you really understand
Do you hate and abhor evil and against it take a stand?
2 fleshly lusts provoke the fight
Wagin war against the soul
Everything is at enmity with my entire being my whole
Have a strong desire uncontrollable to Him
But they often are diverted to direct us towards our sin
Flesh against the spirit and the spirit vs the flesh
Together in harmony these two can never mesh
Two things that are suited to humble the souls of men
These two truths will our wicked hearts mend
A due consideration of God and oh how great
And also Of ourselves our lowly estate
Labor to know your own frame and temper
If you forget your sin Jesus will sure remember
Satan has friends in your heart
Associates of satan in us an evil art
Do you know what evils lie within
Do you understand how evil is your sin
If you dont know the character of your heart you never understand Christ
If you dont understand your evil how can you be given a new life
If your fighting sin you’re alive
If you dont battle sin how can you survive
You’ll never do enough
Only He could do enough
What made Paul think we’d want to sin more
The right conclusion of grace is it abounds still more
Distrust your feelings they lie to make you happy
But only for a moment, its only temporary
Do you mortify
Do you daily die
Be killing sin or it will be killing you
If your not killing sin then your not believing truth
Even with the head severed the body keeps snapping
If your not severely killing then sin your soul is trapping
Put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh
Point life after Christ and your body put to death
3 fruitful evangelism motivates the fight
Keep your behavior excellent
If your not killing flesh then unbelievers wont know your sent
The day Visitation
Your flesh it needs starvation
Are we the same? Or are we separated
Do we look like the world or are we consecrated
Our evangelism is others seeing us serious about our sin
Our reaching out and witnessing is displayed by how we win
How do we protect our lusts and passions
How do we cater our lives to a sinful fashion
He breaks the power of canceled sin? We makes the foulest clean
There is no greater love no greater God no greater King